Holidaying in Egypt can be one of the most rewarding adventures for any holidaymaker. You can soak up the sun, experience countless underwater treasures, visit Ancient Egyptian sites or bask in the unique culture.

The most popular time of the year to visit Egypt is from October to May. The reason for this is that the temperatures in the most popular of resort areas along the coast average a pleasant 18°C, with lows of 13°C and highs of 22°C. This makes it a comfortable time to visit compared to the summer when temperatures can reach a stifling 40°C.  For holidaymakers wishing to make a trip to the capital, Cairo, and some of the Ancient Egyptian heritage sites in and around Luxor, May to October is also the best time of the year to visit to avoid the stifling North African heat, so you can do your site seeing in relative comfort.

If you visit Egypt during this time of the year you will need to remember that these months represent the peak time for holidays to Egypt, so you should always ensure to book to avoid disappointment. This also means that many of the stunning Ancient Egyptian attractions in the country may be extremely busy during this time of year. If you feel you can handle the heat in summer you may thus be able to view some of the sites in relative tranquillity far from the big crowds. Just imagine being able to wander around these monuments in relative harmony and the possibility of taking a clear photograph of the stunning landmarks.

Travellers to Egypt should be aware of travelling to the country during the month of Ramadan. One of the biggest reasons that holidaymakers may be put off visiting Egypt during this time is that alcohol is not available, especially during the daytime, with many of the tourist attractions operating on reduced hours and a high proportion of the restaurants and street vendors closed for business. However, if you want to enjoy a unique insight into the culture of the country visiting during this month-long festival may be the ideal experience for you. You can enjoy the all night coffee shops bursting at the seams with local people at a time when the entire country never sleeps.

With something to offer throughout the year, a holiday in Egypt can prove to be the most unique of experiences.