England – 1/5/2012 – A service that enables you to work freely around the obstacles that comes with living rurally.

There are many single females in the UK that would like to date a farmer. There are many reasons for this. Maybe they admire their work ethic or their rigid dedication to their profession. Maybe they reside in a rural setting themselves and feel most at home when surrounded by other country folk.

Meeting new people in the countryside doesn’t come without its obstacles, and the sparsely-populated communities that can be found in such environments do not always make it easy to encounter fresh faces. Also, people that would like to date a farmer but live in built-up towns and cities may also find that they rarely encounter new people working in the farming sector on a face-to-face basis. Add to this the long working hours that come with the farming profession and it becomes increasingly obvious that the visibility of farmers is not great.

However, the Internet has brought convenience to infinite scenarios and countryside dating is certainly one of them. Many singles have managed to successfully form long-lasting relationships with farmers through online countryside dating services, and have made their wishes a reality through the convenience of online rural dating sites – KissingGates.com being one of the leading services in this field.

KissingGates.com is completely free to try and many have opted to upgrade to a full profile after gaining an insight into what the service has to offer when enjoying a free membership. With a free membership it’s possible to express your interest in someone via a simple ‘wink’, whilst receiving messages and browsing profiles. A full membership allows you to use the service in a fully interactive manner, engaging in video chats and instant messaging – features that allow for an in-depth assessment into whether a match has potential when a member feels that they would like to date a farmer.

A whirlwind of interactive fun for those who wish to date a farmer

KissingGates.com maybe owes a great deal of its popularity to its determination to never get complacent, with new features being added constantly as the possibilities of social networking expand. Not only is it easy to link a KissingGates.com account to Facebook but members have recently benefitted from the addition of a smartphone app to proceedings, meaning that they don’t have to wait until they reach a computer to enjoy the service and interact with potential matches. This means that, for anyone who would like to date a farmer, they usually don’t have to wait until their match finds the time to get to a desktop or laptop as he can easily respond to messages during a few spare minutes of downtime in between farming obligations

The service was formed when a team of rural types identified their own obstacles with finding love in the countryside, conjuring up the perfect farmer dating site for enabling rural romances to begin. As more and more rural types opt to find love through an increasingly mainstream channel like KissingGates.com, the popularity of the services is likely to blossom further, meaning that when one would like to date a farmer, the two words that increasingly spring to mind are ‘Kissing Gates’.


Inspire Business Ltd,

Ashby House, Ashby Pueroum

Horncastle, Lincs, UK

Zip: LN9 6QU

Call: 0800 987 5555 (General Care Queries)

Website: http://www.kissinggates.com/