Many of the world’s best loved stories and most famous literary works of art were produced by British writers. Let’s take a look at the homes which inspired these everlasting stories…

Edward Lear

The writer Edward Lear (1812-1888), lived at 13 Upper Seymour Street and Stratford Place, off Oxford Street, and the building is now commemorated with a plague in respect for his talent for verse. It was in this house that he created his fabulous children’s’ book “The Owl and the Pussycat” and other beloved childhood stories. A wry man famously plagued with illnesses and poor health, he was also extremely anxious and full of sorrow, yet he was incredibly talented at playing with words and creating magnificent children’s tales that have lived throughout history.

George Elliot (Mary Ann Evans)

George Elliot (1819-1880) was born Mary Ann Evans but gave herself a man’s name in order to gain recognition for her work as a writer, which she certainly did in time. She lived at 4 Cheyne Walk, SW3 within the Chelsea area. Many Ann Evans was somewhat of a loner, enjoying solitude and taking long walks or rides in the countryside that surrounded her home. It was in this house that she created some of her most famous novels – Adam Bede and Mill on the Floss. In addition, Middlemarch was widely thought to be one of the literary masterpieces of the nineteenth century.

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens (1812-1870) is arguably one of the most famous writers from history and has produced some of the most classic and well-recognised novels and short stories in the world. He lived at 48 Doughty Street, WC1 on a gated street which was guarded by a porter in full regalia overseeing the closing of the gates at night. It was in this property that he wrote Oliver Twist and Barnaby Rudge. Dickens was in love with his wife’s sister who died in the house, leaving Dickens heartbroken and grieving for many years after her death.

These houses, previously owned by some of the most famous writers from throughout history, brim with character, as do the areas in which they are set. If you fancy setting up home in an area which inspired some of the world’s best loved stories, there are homes for sale that could be perfect for you. Especially if you are a writer hoping follow in the footsteps of Dickens or George Elliot.

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